Non-Functional Testing Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples and Best Practices admin octubre 4, 2021
Non-Functional Testing Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples and Best Practices

Interoperability validates the connections between a software system and other software systems. The convenience with which a user can learn, operate, input/output data through engagement with a system. The parameter ensures that the software system continues run smoothly and restores in the event of system failure.

definition of non-functional testing

However, the parameters of Recovery, Reliability, Security, Stability, and Usability are the most essential and should never be left out. Before even the best software application hits the market, it must be rigorously tested. what is non-functional testing All the cool concepts and nifty “bells and whistles” in the world mean nothing if the application fails to work correctly. That’s why developers need to put a new product through its paces before the public gets a hold of it.

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Software testing is not considered complete with just finishing functional testing. Both functional and non-functional testing is important in the success of an application and builds up a good relationship with the customer. There are several tools available in the market for Performance testing, Load testing, & Stress Testing. The degree to which a software application can handles capacity, quantity and response time.

The major difference between a technical story and the user is that the user story would require discussion and consist of visibility. This helps identify on-screen objects the same way as a human does, interact with and manipulate objects naturally, and enable tests to be written using plain English. He is skilled in test automation, performance testing, big data, and CI-CD. He brings his decade of experience to his current role where he is dedicated to educating the QA professionals. LoadTracer – It is a performance testing tool developed in C language by Trace Technologies Pvt. Recovery testing checks the system’s performance in case of any failure or crash and its ability to recover in the desired time without loss of any data.

What is Non Functional Testing? (Types)

Naturally, this makes life easier for developers and business personnel alike. Non-functional testing is testing designed to check a software application’s non-functional aspects such as performance, reliability, utility, etc. In addition, this testing is designed to test a system’s readiness related to non-functional parameters typically never addressed by the functional testing process. Before we conclude our take on the topic of what is non functional testing, it should be stated that they should be taken as tests that verify functionality are non-functional tests. Because the improvements provided by non-functional testing are not as significant, many teams give it a lower priority.

Volume Testing – Volume testing helps in checking the system performance when the database size is increased. After increasing the database size, multiple queries can be fired simultaneously to check how effectively system is able to exchange the data. It will also check for any data loss and slowness in response. It is important to note that load testing, stress testing and volume testing are basically part of performance testing.

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They have different pricing plans and one of them is free, but it comes with a limited set of users. LoadRunner – Like JMeter, LoadRunner is also a performance testing tool and, can be used as a unit and integration testing tool. LoadRunner also supports scripts from JMeter and Selenium by declaring an interface library. It is not free but allows a certain number of users in the trial version. In simple words, performance testing tests the performance of the software. Performance testing is required to make sure the response time of the system is as per the desired requirement.

  • UFT One Accelerate test automation with one intelligent functional testing tool for Web, Mobile, API and enterprise apps.
  • Customer’s requirements must be satisfied by the software system.
  • The major difference between a technical story and the user is that the user story would require discussion and consist of visibility.
  • Also, we can choose a few invalid inputs and negative test scenarios to verify if the SUT can detect them.
  • In the simplest words, functional testing checks an application, website, or system to ensure that it is doing exactly what it is meant to.

A Functional Testing example is to check the login functionality whereas a Non Functional testing example is to check the dashboard should load in 2 seconds. Usability testing checks how easily a user can use the system. It is required to see how quickly or effortlessly the user is able to learn and run through the system. Stress Testing – Stress testing is carried out to test the robustness of the system under severe stress.

What are the types of Non-Functional Testing?

Acceptance Criteria is the point at which your customer can accept your product through user acceptance testing . You might also be unable to test the non-functional requirements in each story when you perform every iteration. Hence you need to add or test the requirements with only the relevant iteration. Non-functional requirements can also help you capture the user behavior when many people use the software or system simultaneously. Most of the time, the servers might be unavailable or busy, thanks to heavy load. The best example is a college website where exam results are obtained.

definition of non-functional testing

Improving the knowledge of current technology and product behavior. Improving the installation, configuration, execution, management, and product monitoring. The parameter defines how a system is safeguarded against deliberate and sudden attacks from internal and external sources. Ensure that quality attributes are identified correctly in Software Engineering. Improve and enhance knowledge of the product behavior and technologies in use. Optimize the way product is installed, setup, executes, managed and monitored.

Types of Black Box

One of the many examples of why security testing is the utmost requirement is Yahoo’s cyber attack in 2014. It was responsible for stolen data of 500 million user accounts. In recent years, Yahoo’s user accounts were hacked at least thrice which was also responsible for Yahoo’s decreased valuation during its buyout by Verizon Communications. Every time the software is updated, non-functional tests are performed again.

Moreover, it supports integration with Selenium, it can also be used as a unit testing tool. Load Testing – Load testing is done by checking the system’s ability to manage a load of multiple users using the system at the same time. During this testing, the testing team tries to put pressure on the system by logging with multiple users and accessing any particular module or function simultaneously. The results of the testing will be checked for the system’s required response time, whether it is achieved or not. Functional and Non-functional testing both are mandatory for newly developed software. Functional testing checks the correctness of internal functions while Non-Functional testing checks the ability to work in an external environment.

Web Technologies Compatibility

Security testing checks software to find flaws or vulnerabilities that may compromise data. Functional testing mainly involves black box testing and it is not concerned about the source code of the application. This testing checks User Interface, APIs, Database, Security, Client/Server communication and other functionality of the Application Under Test. NFRs are often architecturally significant requirements that describe the system’s various quality attributes (‘ilities’). They are as critical or even more critical than functional requirements that pass through the backlog. Working with Product and Solution Management and the teams, System and Solution Architects are often responsible for identifying and establishing NFRs.

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